1. 讓喜歡火車(chē)模型的人可以擁有它
1. Let people who like train models have it
In fact, in our real life, many people like to purchase military models. They usually purchase train models and prefer products produced by train model manufacturers. Why? That's because they know that many manufacturers cannot insist on making a good product without their love for train models.
所以,很多火車(chē)模型廠(chǎng)家生產(chǎn)模型的初衷也是希望可以讓喜歡軍事類(lèi)物品的人,即使是無(wú)法擁有實(shí)物,也有機會(huì )擁有自己所喜歡的軍事模型。
So, the original intention of many train model manufacturers to produce models is also to allow those who like military items, even if they cannot have physical objects, to have the opportunity to have their favorite military models.
2. 看中這個(gè)行業(yè)的前景
2. Appreciate the prospects of this industry
當然,火車(chē)模型廠(chǎng)家生產(chǎn)模型的初衷除了是滿(mǎn)足消費的心理需求,也是看中了這個(gè)行業(yè)的前景。試想,有哪個(gè)人在開(kāi)設廠(chǎng)的時(shí)候會(huì )做虧本生意?生意人講究的是得到的結果,如果深知情懷無(wú)法轉變成的話(huà),很多人都不會(huì )砸錢(qián)開(kāi)軍事模型工廠(chǎng)。
Of course, the original intention of train model manufacturers to produce models is not only to meet the psychological needs of consumers, but also to see the prospects of this industry. Imagine, who would do a loss making business when opening a factory? Business people value the results they receive. If they know that emotions cannot be converted into money, many people will not invest money to open military model factories.
在這里必須提醒大家,所謂一分一分質(zhì)量,如果過(guò)低的話(huà),那么它可能就是存在著(zhù)一定的問(wèn)題,比如說(shuō)產(chǎn)品雖然說(shuō)看似不錯,但是你等實(shí)際拿到的話(huà)就會(huì )發(fā)現,還是有著(zhù)很大區別的,另外在火車(chē)模型產(chǎn)品方面還有一些其他的區別。比如模型仿真度怎么樣、模型比例怎么樣等等!
Here, we must remind everyone that the so-called "one price, one quality". If the price is too low, it may be a certain problem. For example, although the product may seem good, when you actually receive it, you will find that there are still significant differences. In addition, there are other differences in train model products. For example, what is the simulation level of the model, what is the scale of the model, and so on!
我們在選擇的時(shí)候還是要深入細致好好的了解一下,這樣才能夠避免一些麻煩,有的人關(guān)于火車(chē)模型可能也想要去進(jìn)行一個(gè)深入的了解,但是也不知道該從哪些渠道來(lái)進(jìn)行了解,怎么辦呢?大家通過(guò)網(wǎng)絡(luò )就可以了解了。
When choosing, we still need to have a thorough and thorough understanding, in order to avoid some trouble. Some people may also want to have a deep understanding of the train model, but they do not know which channels to use for understanding. What should we do? You can learn about it through the internet.
有的人可能關(guān)于訂購火車(chē)模型廠(chǎng)家產(chǎn)品方面還并不是特別的了解,所以這也就是會(huì )導致自己從軍事模型廠(chǎng)家買(mǎi)的稍微貴一些,那么關(guān)于這個(gè)問(wèn)題大家也不用太過(guò),擔心,現在只要找一個(gè)的商家,在方面也是能夠做得比較完善的話(huà),所以這個(gè)問(wèn)題大家只要是好好的了解一下,后期問(wèn)題都不是特別大。
Some people may not have a particularly good understanding of ordering train model manufacturers' products, which can lead to slightly higher prices when purchasing from military model manufacturers. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about this issue. As long as you find a professional merchant who can also do a relatively complete job in terms of pricing, you only need to have a good understanding of this issue, The problems in the later stages are not particularly significant.